“I have experienced many excellent workshop leaders, and Taber is among the best. I loved how clearly he explained and demonstrated deep spiritual and psychological principles in his teaching.”

– Susan Campbell, Ph.D. psychologist, speaker, workshop leader, author of Getting Real, The Couples Journey and other titles

“In a world of carefully manicured spiritual teachers, Taber is refreshingly real and human. He brings a depth of presence to each moment, standing with others in their vulnerability, beckoning us to embrace still more of our being. I have seen him ride the waves of fierce storms without shrinking. He has touched me in my most vulnerable places and helped mediate relationship challenges. His empath radar dissolves the illusions in which we wrap ourselves, thus enabling him to lead groups into much more intimate zones. I am grateful to have Taber as a friend and a comrade in the quest for authentic realization. I wholeheartedly recommend working with him”

– Stephen Dinan, author of “Radical Spirit: Spiritual Writings from the Voices of Tomorrow”

“Taber’s teaching style reminds me of a nature guide. He comfortably walks you along unmapped paths through new territory and encourages you to explore. He gives you room, yet brings all his wisdom and sincerity to bear. He really wants to know his participants, and there always seem to be after-workshop conversations which create a wonderful community among the participants themselves.”

– Danielle LaVigna, Associate Director, Next Generation (youth empowerment organization)

“Taber is uniquely gifted . He has an honest, and compassionate way of communicating–with friends, clients, and workshop participants alike. Words can’t express how strongly I recommend his work. Because he has spent decades cultivating a compassionate understanding of himself and other people, he brings to any interaction an almost uncanny ability to read minds, hearts, feelings–and to support people in expressing themselves authentically, clearing all kinds of misunderstanding. People discover their own hidden treasures of warmth, passion, and forgiveness; all this while speaking vulnerably and openly himself. To connect with Taber is to experience yourself more fully and deeply. I think he’s one of the best therapist- communication guru-shaman-types on this planet.”

– Grace Llewellyn, author of the “Teenage Liberation Handbook” and “Guerilla Learning”, Director of Not Back to School Camp

“ Taber skillfully guided even the most resistant among us to a place of openness and healing…Most of all I was left with a strong conviction that I don’t have to keep on waiting for my life to turn out one way or another…that it’s wonderful the way it is right NOW.”

– Joe Tavormina, Director of Real Estate with Prandium Inc

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